Clubs and Activities

University’s Excellent Band Dancers
By: Dominique Joseph

Image result for band dancer cartoon

Tryouts for our school’s band dancing team were held last week. There were many girls from grades 9-12 who have tried out, but only a select few have made it.

On December 15th, 2017, University will host its pep rally, where the band dancers will dance to the music of the school’s band.

Being a band dancer takes a lot of work, you have to memorize dance moves and be at the same pace as everyone else which can be difficult to some girls. Along with memorizing all of the dance moves, the dancers also have to deal with each other’s attitudes and differences.

I’ve spoken with Alicia Gordon, a band dancer, and she admits that “I have some difficulties following the routines, but the other dancers help and I get everything together in the end.” After all, it teamwork is always good and will have everyone on the same page.

Last year’s band dancers were pretty good and I am sure that we would all like to see what the dancers of 2017-2018 have instore for us.
