Senior Athlete Spotlight: Enaysia Green

Her Last Cheer
by, Karin Adams
Photo: Courtesy

Some think that cheerleading is not a sport. If you say that to Enaysia, she’ll most defiantly argue you down. Over the years people have tried to argue her down saying cheerleading isn’t a sport. Her response is always, “ As you can see cheerleading meets ALL of the athletic specifications. But, because cheerleadings primary purpose is to support high school and college athletic teams. Competition comes second! In other words, cheerleading is more than a sport.” Enaysia Green takes cheerleading very seriously and she's not really looking forward to its end.

I caught up with Enaysia recently and asked her about her time as a cheerleader. Here are her thoughts:

What motivates you to cheer?

"What motivates me to cheer is really my cheer sisters. They make me want to keep going, the bond we share and memories we make. I love them!"

What qualities make a good cheerleader?
"Good sportsmanship, leadership, drive and commitment."

Do you think you’ll continue to cheer after high school?

"No. cheering in high school just helped me shape myself but i won't join varsity in college maybe just a club."

How many cheers do you know?
"I know over 100 cheers."

Have you ever felt the need to give cheerleading up?

"Yes, so many times, its hard and stressful. Really just competition season that stresses me out. It also takes up alot of time and in the process you get hurt and it can get very discouraging."

How has cheerleading shaped you?

"It has it shaped me into a leader being captain. It taught me responsibility and teamwork."

Hands down University High School has some of the best cheerleaders in the state.  These ladies have come a long way. They deserve all the credit and praise they get. As a team they can get anywhere. Last year during their competitions they lost by 1 point to Central High School. Enaysia said that L only made her work harder to be stronger. Cheer has prepared her to fight for what she wants. Enaysia says she's going to take that attitude with her into college. I wish her the best of luck. 


  1. Awww I can't imagine the hurt Enaysia is going to feel after ending her high school cheerleading career. I wish her the best and hopes she takes the leadership and responsibility she has learned during high school with her as she continues her journey throughout college.


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