Alumni Spotlight: Daime Flournoy

                                                                                                                                by Sadeeya Bentham

I must admit, these alumni interviews have really given us so much inspiration. It pushes us to do more when we see what they've become. Now, I must say at first I didn't want to do them. I avoided these articles every chance I could. But I'm glad I had a change of heart and I was connected with a really cool alumni like Ms. Daime Flournoy.

Ms. Flournoy graduated from University in 1998. After graduation she went to the Fairleigh Dickinson University. Many students in the class of 2018 will be attending there as well. 

Since I am literally months away from graduation then college, I asked Ms. Flournoy to tell me if she felt that University High School prepared her for college? 

"Absolutely! UHS was a college prep school. A lot of what I did in high school rolled right on over to college. I didn't struggle at all, I even maintained a 3.89 GPA my freshman year which was great compared to my suite-mates who somewhat struggled their first year." 

Then I asked her to share her fondest memory from her days at University?

"My classmates. The class of '98 was and still is like a family. We were the biggest freshman class to enter UHS. Our pep rallies were the BEST!" I have to add that our pep rallies are STILL the best! Good to know that this has been a long running tradition of greatness. 

What did you most look forward to doing at school?

"I looked forward to my 10th grade math class which was taught by Mr. Hankerson. Mr. Hankerson was hard on his students because he saw the potential in all of us. He was no nonsense but it worked. His famous phrase was, 'hang out with someone who's doing this.' I didn't get it at first but I get it now."

Ms. Flournoy is a Program Coordinator for the General Practice Residency Program at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine in the Dept of Oral Medicine. She works along with the program director.  She basically runs the entire program which consists of six residents. She makes sure that the program runs smoothly. She makes sure that the incoming residents have their dental permits, background checks, and they are able to step on the clinic floor to see patients when their program begins. Ms. Flournoy says that everything that the resident needs has to come through her before the it gets to the director. Additionally, she works with writing grants. Grant writing helps keep money coming in to pay salaries of the staff and faculty in our department.  She prepares appointments of incoming faculty. She does this by working closely with the Chairman and administrator of the department. I basically do it all. 

Ms. Flournoy's job is a very important one in which she works in a leadership capacity. So, I thought it would be important for her to share what she thinks are the personal attributes essential for success in her profession. Her response was this:

"Education. The job market today is very competitive and education is something no one can take away from you. Being nice to people doesn't hurt either. I deal with the patients sometimes and not everyone is the same. Being patient and helpful goes a long way."

Whenever we get the chance to interact with an alumni it is always got to hear what advice they'd like to give us students who are walking in there footsteps more or less. When I asked Ms. Flournoy she said the following:

"I would tell the current students to keep pushing. Work hard and stay focused. There are a lot of distractions that come your way but be strong. Be a leader. I tell my god daughter, who is a senior at UHS now, to always stay true to yourself. Followers get nowhere." 

Thanks for granting me this interview and sharing your words of wisdom. It's good to know a Phoenix is always rising!  


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