Senior Year Struggles

10 Stages Of Waiting for College acceptances
By: Carlos Shamburger


The process of waiting to hear back from your dream school can be an emotional rollercoaster. One minute you feel confident, like you are on top of the world, nothing can bring you down but then you start thinking, “What if I don’t get in?”.
Waiting for your letter can be stressful but guess wait: everyone goes through the same feeling you are going through. In fact, I’m pretty sure it looks like this….

1.Whew! I have submitted my applications. Now I wait!!
Your application is in. After the constant headache of filling out the applications and the personal statement and sending test scores, you finally turned it in. Now you can relax and not have a care in the world.
2.”I got this!”
This feeling of confidence takes over as you think about how good your application was. You start to imagine your admission process - maybe they put it with the good applicants. All your friends start to worry but you feel like you got it!
3.“But wait… What if i don’t get in”
Something triggers you and you start to wonder if you don’t get a positive response. You try to find ways to convince yourself you’re just overreacting but then you start thinking about all the things that could make them not accept you.
“Did I type something wrong?”
“Are my test scores up to their liking?”
“Did I not participate in enough activities?”
4.I Feel Anxious
Your heart starts racing. A nervous feeling might happen as you start obsessing about your college applications. You still wonder if you will get in. Where you end up? You start wondering if community college is an option .

5.Gotta take my mind off of it.

After a moment of stressing, you realize there are more things to think about. You decide to find anything to get your mind off of it.
6.“I don’t even care anymore”
You saying this out loud makes you feel better even though you do care. You assume playing it cool would help you ease your mind .
7.“I’ll just check my email again”
Your motto just went down the drain. College is back on your mind. You know this would be the time you would hear from them. You can’t help but to look at email every five minutes. You try to stop but you just can’t help it.
Your friends are getting their acceptance letters and are happy. It’s okay to see your friends happy but you start wondering if this is it.
9.”It’s whatever “
You finally believe that you won’t get accepted. You just hope everything will work out for the best. You will still find ways to pursue your career.
10.“I knew I was getting accepted “
You finally hear back from your dream school, and of course you got accepted. All that hard work paid off and now you have your dream school in your pocket.

Waiting to hear back from colleges can be a hassle but in the end, it all pays off. Even if you don’t get your dream school just know that when one door closes another one opens.


  1. Creative lol almost to the end 😩💯😂

  2. Very creative, good explanation, and well understood 😊

  3. This is a dope article. i find it funny how I, and probably a lot of other seniors can relate to this. I think reading this does help put peoples minds at ease through the whole process.


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