Fashion Sense

What is fashion to you?

By: Malaysia Cotton & Emanni Jenkins

What is the definition of fashion to you? Ideally, I think it is pretty safe to say that everyone has their own definition of what fashion means to them. From top to bottom, hairstyles to “shoe-game” , and accessories to bags.

Now the whole ideal of fashion, is to express yourself through dressing in a stylish way. Although people have different ways of expressing themselves, that does not take away the fact that people have different opinions.

University students have everything and more when it comes to fashion. Unlike most schools who are very strict and firm when it comes to the uniform policy. University students gets a chance to let students feel comfortable and express themselves by adding other accessories, or just even switching but still wearing the Phoenix colors.

We took the time out to go around and ask students attending University High School their opinion on what fashion means to them and how they feel with the way the students attending University High School dress.

I asked Miaja Jackson and here’s her exact response “I feel like it's basically clothes people feel comfortable wearing and they feel attractive in. The way they style it and make it fit whatever the trend is"

I feel like a lot of University kids have unique style but they also tend to follow after other people.”

So I asked “what do you mean by that?”

“I feel like there are a select few of kids who dress themselves and then there are others who dress just to fit in.”

Class of 2018 did a pole for the yearbook. One of the categories was best dressed. Although Nefertiti Copper won the category, Emanni Jenkins whom was a runner-up, has more heart when it comes to clothes and fashion.

So I asked her what is her definition of fashion and what does it mean to her

Her exact response was,

“Fashion is how you express yourself, fashion is who you are. Who you are inspired to be and fashion is what diversity you have to bring into the world.”

Anyone is capable of having what it “takes” to have a sense of fashion. Everyone has their own definition of what it means to them just as everyone has their own style. University brings diversity and various opinions. I think it is safe to call it the “fashion school”.
